Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Lat and Lon


Various details about Latitude and Longitude

5200 Coy Davis Road, Little Rock, AR 72210

Decimal Degrees Deg:Min:Sec
Lat: 34.706997 34:42:25.189N
Lon: -092.474886 92:28:29.590W

FIPS County : AR119
Tract : AR119004208
BlockGroup : AR1190042083
FIPS MCD : AR90300
MSA : 4400

From GPS:
34:42.454N 92:28.505W
519ft above sea-level

Difference between Geocode and GPS:
great-circle distance from 34:42:25N 92:28:30W to 34:42:27N 92:28:30W is
0.066 km
0.041 miles
0.036 nautical miles
216 feet
initial heading: 344 degrees (north-northwest)

121 E. Capitol Ave., Little Rock, AR 72203

Decimal Degrees Deg:Min:Sec
Lat: 34.744031 34:44:38.512N
Lon: -092.270860 92:16:15.096W

FIPS County : AR119
Tract : AR119000100
BlockGroup : AR1190001001
FIPS Place : AR41000
FIPS MCD : AR90300
MSA : 4400

In addition (in this area), one whole second of latitude is approximately 101 feet. One whole second of longitude is approximately 83 feet.

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